Greeting from Vero Beach where I have found yet another community public art project that raise lots of money for mental health services. Way Cool art and an amazing fund raising project. It started in 2005 and continued through 2008 with each year creating painted turtle sculptures that a few of them are now on permanent display around town. According to the website , in the first season of the event they auctioned 52 fiberglass sculptures and raised about $550,000! That is truly an impressive feat. Congratulations Artists and Organizers for an inspiring community fund raising project. I really enjoyed the wonderfully painted 3 foot high turtles. What I find fasinating is how different and creative each artist has painted them. There is a really WOW factor with each one.
Could this be a project for your community? I think it is something really worth considering. I am starting to look at the posible parners in my community to create a project like this one and the others that I have found in my travels. See earlier blogs.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the valuable information as i to was looking to send goods.
Turtle Statues