This morning I woke to sounds of roosters in the golden red dawn. We made it to my cousin's and her partner's ranch. They raise Bantam show chickens; they are small chickens with large attitude. Yesterday was spent driving along side the Mexican border most of the day. In El Paso you have a clear view of the town of Juarez. It is just across the Rio Grande with a shanty town look of small square houses crowded together. It must be odd to look out your window at the US and know that you are not welcomed there. It really looked like it was part of El Paso. When we had driven hours in open desart landscape in New Mexico we came to a Homeland Security Border Station, a very large new goverment looking building with a drive through much like a border crossing, but we had crossed no border. Everyone had to drive through and stop to talk to an uniformed officer. There were 4 of them standing together chatting with each other and then would look in the drivers window and say something to the driver. When we got to them the gaurd just waved us on without a question.

We left highway 10 just before the
Arizona New Mexico border to travel south on this little one lane highway through the mountains and down into Douglas, AZ. We passed through a couple of little settlements, which looked very quiet and lonely surrounded by high cliff mountains. Then came down into the town of Douglas and on out to the Ranch.
I heard breakfast is ready, yum and I didn't even have to cook it. The cats have settled in with a view of butterflies flittering from flower to flower and bunnies hopping about in the field across the road.
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